
"i would sell my kidney for a ticket to the states"

some funny things that i or my friends also from bc have heard or been asked:

"why would you ever wanna come to africa? its so boring nothing goes on here"

“just keep talking to me its like im watching tv” (about my “accent”)

“oh you go to boston college? isn’t that an online school?”

“do all girls in america talk like ke$ha?”

“who the hell is busted posney?” (that one was just plain upsetting)

“does everyone in america watch white chicks?”

“i wanna go to america for the food. i hear the portions are HUGE”

people here are obsessed with america. they only watch american tv and movies. they have american products like cheerios and venus razors.  one boy said that south africans pay more attention to what goes on in america than what goes on in africa.  it really does seem to be that way. so far i haven’t received any negative attention for being from the states. people usually get wide-eyed and start asking questions. or sing california gurls. it’s a pretty even split. 


Mimi Kreeft said...

I would sell my kidney to have you back in the states! Just kidding. :) Please get well. Please!

Connor Kreeft said...

Mom, if you're still interested, I'm looking to buy a kidney.